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12 things not to do on Chinese New Year

12 things not to do on Chinese New Year

February 09, 2021

5 minutes

Happy Chinese New Year on 12 February 2021. In no time, it's almost Chinese New Year festival. Chinese New Year is pretty similar to the Thai New Year, where relatives gather to meet, enjoy a meal together, make merit, pay homage to the gods, pay respect to ancestors and pay respect to spirits who have no relatives. For the auspiciousness of your life on Chinese New Year, one thing to not miss is giving red envelopes to the children which should be done on that day. Nevertheless, today, we've gathered together 12 things you shouldn't do on Chinese New Year in order to avoid for auspiciousness of life.

       Do not clean the house.

Do not clean the house.

Chinese people believe that cleaning the house and throwing out trash on Chinese New Year will sweep away luck and money from the house. Therefore, on Chinese New Year, there are not many people cleaning the house as they clean the house before Chinese New Year in order to keep the house clean for the New Year to welcome guests.

       Don't cry.

Don't cry.

If you cry on Chinese New Year Day, chinese people believe that it will lead to bad things and regrets throughout the year. Therefore, it is normal that most grandparents and parents don’t scold at their children or grandchildren because they don't want them to cry.

       Do not wash clothes.

Do not wash clothes.

Chinese people believe that the God of Water was born on Chinese New Year, so the laundry on this day is considered as an insult to the God. Therefore, absolutely do not wash clothes on this day, and do laundry on other days or before Chinese New Year instead.

       Do not wash your hair or cut your hair.

Do not wash your hair or cut your hair.

According to Chinese belief, people do not like to cut or wash their hair on Chinese New Year. Some people will not wash their hair for 3 days as they believe that it takes away stability; the word hair is a homophone and a homographs of the word wealth. Therefore, washing or cutting hair on Chinese New Year is like taking away wealth.

       Don't use curse words and don’t fight.

Don't use curse words and don’t fight.

For saying bad things, whether they rude words, lying words or talking about death, Chinese people believe that saying bad stories or things is bad and will bring bad luck throughout the year. We also should not have fight on this day. Also, avoid saying the number 4 because the number 4 is a number that is pronounced similar to the word death.

       Do not eat porridge or meat.

Do not eat porridge or meat.

Chinese people believe that eating porridge in the morning on Chinese New Year is like preventing yourself from being rich and acting like poor people. This includes not eating meat because the gods who descend on the morning of Chinese New Year are vegetarians.

       Do not buy new shoes.

Do not buy new shoes.

Because the word shoes in Chinese is pronounced Hai, sounding similar to the word sigh. Chinese people consider buying new shoes on New Year's Day a bad sign for a good start to the year.

       Do not enter other people's bedrooms.

Do not enter other people's bedrooms.

This belief clearly states that, if you enter someone else's bedroom, you will have bad luck. Also, if the owner of the room allows other people to enter their bedroom, it may result in bad luck as well. It is better to meet outside the house or outside the bedroom and keep social distance.

       Do not wear white or black clothing.

Do not wear white or black clothing.

A white dress or a black dress means a bad omen. On Chinese New Year, we see many people wearing red clothes or brightly colored outfits only because it is believed that red color will bring good luck and happiness to your life.

       Do not break things.

Do not break things.

Chinese people believe that, if someone breaks something, it is considered a bad omen; someone in the family may be sick, families may fall apart or someone may die. Therefore, keep the items out of the reach of us and children.

Do not use sharp objects.

Do not use sharp objects.

On Chinese New Year, please refrain from using scissors, nail clippers, knives, lawn clippers, saws or anything sharp. According to Chinese beliefs, if you use sharp objects, it is like eliminating good luck and fortune.

       Do not lend money.

Do not lend money.

Do not accidentally lend money to anyone, and do not say that you don't have money on Chinese New Year because it is believed that lending money on this day will cause people to borrow your money throughout the year. If you owe someone money, please return the money before Chinese New Year because of owing money to someone on Chinese New Year is believed that the person will have endless debt throughout the year.
In addition to adhering to beliefs on Chinese New Year, taking care of your health is an important thing that will help drive your life to meet only good things and live a happy life. 

Don't forget to give health coverage instead of red envelopes with Super Health


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