4 Genetic Diseases: How Much Risk are you Taking?
When talking about genetic diseases, we believe there are many people who still wonder; if your family has a history of these genetic diseases, how much risk are your children, your grandchildren and you taking? Muang Thai Life Assurance has interesting knowledge to share with you.
Cancer is a complex disease, and there are many factors that can cause the disease. 95 percent of people is suffering from cancer caused by lifestyle habits or by the outside environment. Another 5 percent is caused by genetics, such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Therefore, no matter how well we take care of ourselves, we may still have cancer if our family has a history of it. Nowadays, technologies have been advanced, so you can get your health checked at all times so that you can deal with it in time.
Source: Phyathai 2 Hospital
Diabetes is a disease caused by eating habits, such as foods with a lot of carbohydrates and fat or drinks that contain a lot of sugar. Diabetes can also be inherited genetically. In this case, it cannot be completely cured. Plus, it also come with several complications that can easily cause your health to deteriorate if you have been chronically ill for many years. Diabetes is divided into 4 types. The type that can be inherited is type 2 diabetes, which is more likely to occur of about 10 percent. For the type 2 diabetes, about 95 percent of all people with diabetes is caused by insulin resistance combined with the body's inability to produce enough insulin.
Source: Vibhavadi Hospital, www.honestdocs.co
Heart disease
Heart disease occurs from many reasons, such as patients with congenital heart disease, patients with coronary artery disease, heart valve disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, smoking, drinking alcohol, using drugs, stress, including genetic inheritance. Statistics show that 1 in 200 people has heart disease from the genetic cause. The research results indicate that people who have a sibling who died prematurely of heart disease have higher chance of having heart disease than the general population 2 times. In order to prevent the critical illness in case the family has a history of heart disease, you should consult a doctor and regularly check your health to assess your risk of the disease. When proper care is received from the initial stage, it will help prevent severe symptoms of the disease.
Source: www.bnhhospital.com
Alzheimer's disease
The last disease is dementia. Many people may call it Alzheimer's disease. This disease can occur in both old and young people as well and may differ in the causes because the elderly may have Alzheimer's caused by deterioration or damage to the brain but Alzheimer's in adolescence or middle age is mainly caused by genetics. People who are at risk for genetic inheritance have parents with “early-onset Alzheimer disease ", and they have a chance of up to 50 percent to have the disease, considered extremely high. To boost confidence in whether we are at risk of this disease or not, you should check your own and your family's health early on to reduce the risk of the diseases.
Source: amprohealth.com
For people whose family has a history of a critical illness, you might not be sure whether it will be genetically inherited or not. Purchasing life and health insurance can help reduce risk of medical expenses. If you decide to buy life and health insurance, you must study the conditions of each insurance company about the genetic diseases under coverage. Muang Thai Life Assurance has designed a health rider, Elite Health, to cover treatments for critical illnesses, common diseases, and seasonal epidemics. No worry about every risk of health.
- Elite Health Rider must be attached to a new policy only.
- Coverage period of the rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules. Premium is eligible for tax deduction. Conditions are as specified by the Revenue Department.
- Please study the details of coverage and exclusions before deciding to purchase insurance.