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ประกันสะสมทรัพย์ ประกันออมทรัพย์ ประกันเงินออม

Savings Insurance

Start healthy finances today! Delicately selected endowment products by Muang Thai Life Assurance can satisfy your financial lifestyles which will not impact future money. Let us help you save money for retirement and be confident through simple steps in your own way.

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FAQ Savings Insurance

All endowment products are good, but you need to choose the right one that matches your needs. You can consider based on the following factors.

  • Years of premium payment (short-term or long-term)
  • Do you prefer cash bonus?
  • How much return do you want once the contract ends?

For example, if you want to pay premium for few years only, you may choose Muang Thai Perfect Saving 11/5 insurance plan. You have to pay premium for only 5 years and receive 1.5%* cash bonus every 2 policy years. Moreover, once the contract matures, you will receive 520%* maturity benefit or 101% of paid premium (whichever amount is higher). During the premium payment period, the premium is entitled to tax deduction. Most importantly, you can simply purchase online 24/7.

*is in % of the initial sum insured.

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