Family Attractions for Children’s Day
Children’s Day in this year is on 14 January 2023. We believe that you cannot wait to bring your children to attractions. But what are the best spots?
We prepare some attractions locations that are not far and close to nature, and you do not have to take a leave to spend a night. Pick one that matches your style and get energized for Monday. Let’s go!
Forget old zoos, and enjoy a modern zoo that will make you feel like you are in Savanna. Safari Park Kanchanaburi will give you a new vibe because you will be able to get close to animals in different areas such as tigers, lions, zebras and giraffes. You can feed giraffes in your car and take selfies with them. Moreover, there is a private tour that will allow you to get more closer to giraffes and zebras. Your family will be so excited and happy.
Contact no.: 034-678225
Let’s do social media detox and explore our culture through the history at Thai Human Imagery Museum at Nakorn Pathom province. It is the first and only museum in Thailand that creates and exhibits wax figures made from fiberglass to preserve, promote, and share Thai art, culture and tradition for new generations. The museum is 2-level building, and the first floor exhibits wax figures such as 8 Kings of the Chakri Dynasty. The upper floor exhibits wax figures of Thailand’s and world’s famous people such as Eua Sunthornsanan, Phaiboon Butkhanvithi, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, etc. Currently, 125 war figures are exhibited. The latest wax figure is His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, King Rama IX. You will be stunned with the glorious masterpieces.
Contact no.: 034-332607
Do not need to go to the sea to see sharks! You must visit SEA LIFE Bangkok Ocean World in the city of Bangkok. Go straight to the aquarium that is located at Siam Paragon and your family will enjoy the underwater tunnel and many aquatic animals in aquarium and rainforest zones. The highlight is great white sharks in the spectacular tunnel. There are many more activities to join such as shark dive, ocean walker, glass bottom boat. We recommend you to check show times to not miss any highlights.
Contact no.: 0-2687-2000
If it is not enough, you should visit Oasis Sea World Chanthaburi. COVID-19 was lonely time for the dolphins. But now, you can enjoy their cuteness and we guarantee that all adults and children will be over the moon. Oasis Sea World is a place that is breeding dolphins. There are ecstatic dolphin shows that you will see 2 Thai dolphin species which are bottlenose dolphin (pink dolphin), and Indo-pacific humpback dolphin (Irrawaddy dolphin). You can also swim with the dolphins which will become your unforgettable experience.
Contact no.: 039-499-222
Forget about long flight or long drive, this is a new landmark nearby Bangkok. Hokkaido Flower Park Khaoyai will make you feel like you are in flower fields in the northern region. This is a huge flower park surrounded by mountain view. You can take photos with many flowers, and we are sure that you will have many photos to post in your social medias for months. This park has many zones separated by flower type such as verbena field, margaret field, celosia plumosa field, celosia field. With the stunning mountain view, the park is perfect for taking photos, especially during 16.00 – 17.00 hrs. that has beautiful sunlight like you are in flower fields in other countries.
Contact no.: 097-926-8662
On this Children’s Day, we hope you will have a great time with your family at these attractions. If you are single, you can enjoy your day off too. And please do not forget about social distancing, mask wearing, and hand sanitizing.
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Sources: Retrieved on 05/01/2023
🔖 Chillpainai (Data as of 10/02/2021)
🔖 Paiduaykan (Data as of 23/11/2021)
🔖 Mgronline (Data as of 15/04/2018)