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Legit Savings for Child Education

Legit Savings for Child Education

January 04, 2022

5 minutes

If you have a child, you need to have long-term financial planning for schools, tuition fees, activities and health. There are lots of expenses for raising a child, especially education. So, you need to have precise financial and savings planning for a smooth future. Muang Thai Life Assurance has tips for you.

Planning and budgeting

Planning and budgeting

First, you need to plan monthly or yearly savings, and purposes by calculating a child’s education expenses, such as tuition fees, learning equipment fees, uniform fees, allowance, activity fees. For example, if you target 15,000 Baht, that means you need 180,000 Baht, and you must have emergency savings. You should have a separate bank account for your child specifically.

Fixed savings

Fixed savings

Fixed savings is simple with low risk. Many people have this for enhancing financial discipline because a fixed monthly deposit is required with clear conditions of deposit – withdrawal. The minimum amount for opening a fixed savings account is 1,000 Baht and interest rate is higher than general savings account. Furthermore, it can be loan collateral. This savings is good for those who have financial discipline. And parents should raise children to have financial discipline too.

Mutual funds

Mutual funds

“Mutual fund” is a registered investment tool that pools money of retail investors to invest in securities or assets based on specified investment policy. Returns will be allocated to investors. If you have investment knowledge but you do not have time, a mutual fund is a good option. It has many funds from AMCs for you to choose based on your lifestyle and acceptable risk, such as stocks, bonds, gold, property and foreign instruments. 

Unit-linked insurance

Unit-linked insurance

Unit-linked insurance allows you to have savings plus coverage. You can design your life as you wish through uDesign unit-linked insurance from Muang Thai Life Assurance. It provides you higher coverage; with the same premium amount, you can choose higher life coverage(1), and you can also choose to have higher sum insured or coverage. Premium is fixed throughout the contract period. Have worthwhile financial planning through unit-linked insurance.

            Premium is fixed throughout the contract regardless of having health rider attachment(2). Life and health coverage is provided until the age of 99(3) which covers COVID-19, emerging diseases, critical illnesses, common diseases. Feel at ease with long-term care through the flexible insurance policy.

Unit-linked insurance allows you to design life and health coverage. It is flexible for you to adjust, make a top-up or withdrawal, or activate a premium holiday during the insurance contract. It is flexible for your lifestyle in spite of changing situations. You will have a chance to receive better return from investment in quality mutual funds. Furthermore, it comes with health coverage.

There are many savings options for your child education. You can choose a right option that matched your lifestyle. uDesign unit linked insurance from Muang Thai Life Assurance allows you to design investment and life coverage to ensure your child’s future. Moreover, you can expect higher coverage and worthwhile benefits.

  • Same premium amount, but higher life coverage(1).
  • Fixed premium throughout the contract regardless of health rider attachment(2).
  • Covers COVID-19, emerging diseases, critical illnesses and common diseases; and coverage is provided until the age of 99(3).
  • Flexible insurance for making a top-up or withdrawal, or activating premium holiday during the contract.
  • Chance to receive better return from investment in quality mutual funds.

For more information, Click

☑️ Tel. 1766, 24/7

☑️ Contact life insurance agents or branches of Kasikornbank, and Land and Houses Bank


(1) High coverage depends on age, gender, health and return from investment once comparing Muang Thai Unit-linked 1 (Regular Premium) with Muang Thai Smart Protection 99/20.

(2) Riders that cost of insurance is deducted from investment value.

(3) Once having Elite Health Plus Rider or D Health Rider Coverage is provided as long as investment value is sufficient for payment of policy expenses.

  • Coverage period depends on premium payment period, investment return rate and partial investment withdrawal.
  • Premium (excluding investments) of this insurance is eligible for tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax No. 172 and 383.
  • Volatile investment market, premium holiday and partial investment withdrawal might lower entitled benefits and coverage.
  • Coverage conditions are as specified in the insurance policy.
  • Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
  • uDesign Campaign is a marketing name of Muang Thai Unit-linked Campaign.
  • Conditions are subject to the medical practice guidelines, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of infection in a hospital in case of COVID-19 according to the announcement dated 2 November 2021, and guidelines for medical personnel for providing home isolation recommendations and service management for COVID-19 patients (revised version) dated 4 January 2022, or in accordance with the latest announcement.
  • Conditions are subject to the medical standards and necessity.
  • Please study the details of coverage, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.

Sources: Data retrieved on 21/03/2022


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