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Songkran Party Ideas for a Healthy Family

Songkran Party Ideas for a Healthy Family

April 11, 2022

5 minutes

The joyful time of family gatherings, such as Songkran 2022 or the Thai New Year, has come around once again. Although restrictions have been relaxed this year, we still need to be cautious about COVID-19, as new variants continue to spread. When traveling back to our hometowns, it’s essential to follow strict safety protocols as before. Instead of going out to restaurants for large family gatherings, consider hosting a small, homemade meal at home for greater safety. Here are some tips for a healthy Songkran party, ensuring a COVID-free and health-conscious holiday for the entire family.

Reduce Fried Foods to Lower Health Risks

Reduce Fried Foods to Lower Health Risks

Party menus often feature a variety of fried foods like French fries, fried chicken, fried meatballs, and sausages – easy to make and loved by both kids and adults. However, the crispy texture that everyone enjoys comes with high calories and saturated fats. Consuming too much fried food can lead to health issues such as high blood fat, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and vascular disease.

If you’re craving something crispy but want a healthier option, use an air fryer, which became popular during working from home. Lightly coat the food with oil before air frying to maintain that familiar fried texture. Air frying uses 70-80% less oil than traditional frying. For a full health boost, switch from frying to baking or grilling. For instance, replace 100 grams of French fries (319 calories, 17 grams of fat) with baked potatoes (93 calories, 0 grams of fat) – delicious, less oily, and much healthier.


🔖 Faculty of Medicine Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University (Data as of 21/04/2017)

More Vegetables, Less Meat

More Vegetables, Less Meat

Celebrate Songkran with BBQ and hot pot – a delicious meal that bring the family together! However, eating too much meat, especially fatty or processed meat like beef with fat, chicken with skin, pork belly, ham, or bacon, isn’t ideal. These meats are hard to digest and high in saturated fat, which can increase blood cholesterol and the risk of heart disease and colon cancer.

So, let’s reduce meat portions and add more fresh vegetables instead. You can add vegetables to hot pots, grill them, or wrap them with Korean-style meat. Adding more vegetables regularly can help lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, while also improving digestion. If you’re not a veggie lover, try finishing the meal with fruit instead of dessert. Aim to eat 400 grams of fruits and vegetables a day for a healthier lifestyle and better family health.

🔖 Thai Health Promotion Foundation (Data as of 22/03/2018)

🔖thaipbspodcas (Data as of 22/02/2021)

Infused Water: Refreshing and Healthy

Infused Water: Refreshing and Healthy 

Soda may be refreshing, but it’s packed with sugar – a single can contains about 8 teaspoons. The recommended daily sugar intake should be no more than 6 teaspoons, meaning just one can already exceeds this limit. By the end of a party, you may consume even more with food and sauces. Sugary drinks like milk tea, coffee, and fruit juice also have high sugar levels, similar to soda, which can lead to diabetes, obesity, migraines, high blood pressure, high blood fat, heart disease, and clogged arteries.

For a healthier Songkran, switch from sugary sodas and juices to infused water. Made by infusing water with fruits, vegetables, or herbs, it’s easy to prepare, refreshing, and beneficial. Infused water boosts metabolism, enhances calorie burning, aids digestion, and strengthens immunity thanks to the nutrients in the fruits and vegetables. With a refreshing taste and health benefits, it’s a must-try this year!

🔖mthai (Data as of 19/02/2019)


Dip Less, Protect Your Kidneys

Dip Less, Protect Your Kidneys

Dipping sauces, such as those for sukiyaki, shabu, BBQ, and spicy seafood, adds extra flavor to any dish. However, while they make food more delicious, consuming too much sauce can be unhealthy. Each dip is packed with high-sodium seasonings. For example, 1 teaspoon of fish sauce has 400 mg of sodium, soy sauce has 460 mg, seasoning sauce has 400 mg, and seasoning powder has 500 mg. In addition to sodium, most sauces also contain sugar, so overindulging may increase the risk of health issues like high blood pressure, kidney disease, and diabetes.

To avoid these health risks, try to limit sodium intake to no more than 2,000 mg per day. Reduce sodium from all sources, including hidden sodium in baked goods containing baking powder (like bread, cakes, cookies, donuts, pies, and steamed buns) and preservatives in packaged foods. By cutting back on sodium, you can reduce the risk of heart disease by 10%, lower the risk of artery blockage by 13%, extend kidney health, and avoid hypertension and other severe illnesses.

🔖 Rajavithi Hospital

Begin caring for your health by adjusting eating habits for yourself and your family to keep everyone strong. Consider purchasing health insurance while you’re still healthy, so you’re fully covered, as health insurance does not cover pre-existing conditions. Health can't wait, so preparing in advance is essential.

Choose ultimate health coverage “Elite Health Plus” from Muang Thai Life Assurance with lump sum benefit of 20 – 100 million Baht per year + hospitalization anywhere in Thailand or around the world(1) with coverage of emerging diseases, epidemic, critical illnesses, common diseases and accidents. Entry age is up to 90 years old with long-term coverage for IPD and OPD(2) until attaining the age of 99, and premium is less than 83 Baht(3) per day.

✔ Lump sum benefit for standard single room as charged or premium single room of up to 10,000 Baht – 25,000 Baht per day

✔ Benefit for ICU room as charged up to 365 days

✔ Coverage for cancer treatment including chemotherapy and targeted therapy, MRI and kidney dialysis without hospitalization

✔ Hospitalization in any hospital

✔ Able to purchase additional coverage including maternity coverage or annual health checkup, dental care, vaccination and eye care as you wish.

Buy now and get promotion of 0% for premium installment up to 6 months or cash back of up to 13% from participating credit cards.

For more information:

☑️ Tel. 1766, available 24/7.

☑️ Contact life insurance agent or Kasikornbank or Land and Houses Bank branches.

(1) In case of choosing worldwide coverage

(2) In case of choosing coverage plans of 40, 75 or 100 million Baht

(3) For an insured aged 35 years old with a coverage plan of 20 million Baht per year for Thailand coverage area in annual premium payment mode

  • Elite Health Plus Rider must be purchased to be attached to the policy which is still effective.
  • Coverage period of this rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
  • Premium is eligible for personal income tax deduction. This is subject to the Revenue Department.
  • Coverage conditions are as specified in the insurance policy.
  • Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
  • Standard single room fee means fee of standard single room of hospitals in Thailand.
  • Conditions are subject to Guidelines for clinical practice, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of healthcare-associated infection in response to patients with COVID-19 infection according to the Notification dated 2 November 2021, and guidelines for healthcare workers to provide suggestions and services for COVID-19 patients underhome isolation (revised version) dated 4 January 2022, or the latest Notification.
  • Conditions are according to the medical standard and necessity.
  • Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL and the banks.
  • Please study details of coverage, conditions, and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.

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