Warning! You can be at risk of having diabetes even without sweet food preference
Diabetes is one of the chronic diseases caused by blood sugar levels that are higher than normal. Diabetes can be caused by both genetics and the environment. If you are not careful of diabetes, it may result in complications. Today, Muang Thai Life Assurance would like to introduce diabetes to you, especially the symptoms of diabetes and how to prevent diabetes to reduce the risks.
- Causes of diabetes
- How many stages and types of diabetes are there?
- Symptoms of diabetes
- How to prevent diabetes
Causes of diabetes
Risk factors for diabetes are firstly from eating habits, followed by unconscious genetic inheritance, including age, stress or complications from medication use. Diabetes is caused by the body having an abnormality in the process of converting blood sugar into energy. It is related to a hormone called insulin that carries blood sugar to the internal organs of the body to create energy. However, in diabetic patients, there is resistance to the hormone insulin which causes the hormone insulin to be unable to fully carry blood sugar to the body parts, resulting in higher blood sugar levels.
How many stages and types of diabetes are there?
How many stages does diabetes have? Many people may wonder, especially diabetic patients or those who wonder if they are experiencing the early symptoms of diabetes. We can separate the causes of diabetes into the following commonly found types
Diabetes can be separated into 2 main types.
- Type 1 is caused by the fact that the immune system destroys the beta cells of the pancreas are responsible for producing the hormone insulin, resulting in not being able to produce enough insulin to meet the body's needs. This results in higher blood sugar levels. Type 1 diabetes can occur during childhood and adolescence, especially between the ages of 4-7 years and 10-14 years.
- Type 2 can be found most often in over 95 percent of diabetics. The main cause is insulin resistance which results in insulin not being able to reduce blood sugar levels well. As a result, blood sugar levels increase. People at risk for type 2 diabetes include those who rarely exercise, who have high blood pressure and who are obese or overweight, for examples.
Diabetes is separated into 2 stages.
- The first stage: High blood sugar or suddenly increased blood sugar, such as 400-500, resulting in abnormal mineral salts and lack of water which can harm the body. The patient becomes lethargic or in a condition called sugar shock.
- Stage 2: A patient might have diabetes for a long time but cannot control the sugar levels, so it would cause the blood vessels to break down; blood vessels harden more easily and are easier to be narrowed. If the blood vessels throughout the body are narrowed, it also results in cerebral artery stenosis and continues to result in paresis and paralysis. Additionally, there may be coronary artery disease resulting in a lack of blood flow to the heart. If the blood vessels in the legs are narrowed, once a patient has a wound, it will heal slowly due to lack of blood flow. This situation is one of the reasons why patients have to have their legs amputated. We can say that diabetes affects every part of the body.
As mentioned, type 2 diabetes is currently the most found type, and it is mostly found in seniors or obese people, for examples.
Symptoms of diabetes
There are 2 types of symptoms caused by diabetes:
1. Symptoms caused by low blood sugar, such as sweating, heart palpitations, trembling hands, feeling hungry, feeling fatigued, weak arms and legs, confusion, loss of consciousness and seizures.
2. Symptoms caused by high blood sugar, such as frequent urination, thirst, weight loss, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, confusion, loss of consciousness and seizures.
How to prevent diabetes
From the above information, diabetes is a disease that can be caused by many factors. Some risk factors cannot be prevented, such as genetics, congenital disease, pregnancy, or medications prescribed by a doctor. However, in terms of factors that arise from inappropriate lifestyle behaviors, we can prevent these factors by following the advices as follows:
- Consume foods high in dietary fiber, such as green leafy vegetables.
- Exercise regularly.
- Control your weight to a reasonable level.
- Avoid sweet foods, such as sugary drinks, desserts and sweet fruits.
- Check blood sugar levels annually and regularly.
Who is at risk for diabetes?
- People who are overweight or have body mass index (BMI) of more than 23
- The ratio of waist circumference to
- Have a family history of diabetes
- Have a history of diabetes during pregnancy
- Have a history of high blood pressure
- Have other congenital diseases, such as hyperlipidemia, heart disease and blood vessel disease.
Diabetes is considered one of the chronic diseases that we must be careful of. The symptoms of diabetes can gradually give signals to the body or can be severe. Most of the causes of diabetes are from lifestyle habits, including genetics. Therefore, you should always observe your symptoms because diabetes is difficult to cure. If any symptoms are found, you need to find a treatment before the symptoms get worse, resulting in a patient's quality of life and finances deteriorating.
Having health insurance before getting sick helps reduce the risk of medical expenses. Boost your confidence with D Health Plus, health coverage for the new generation with lump sum payment for room fees and treatments of 5 million Baht(1), covering both common and major diseases. The premium is inexpensive, less than 53 Baht per day (2).
✅ Once you have any symptoms, lump sum benefit will be paid for standard single room fees, ICU room fees, doctor fees, medication fees, examination fees and surgery fees as charged.
✅ No need to wait. You can be hospitalized in standard single room at any hospital.
✅ Adjustable plans: If you already have an existing welfare, you can choose deductible plan for lower premiums. The plan can also be upgraded when reaching retirement age.
✅ Prepare now. Add Care Plus to take care of medical expenses for cancer and chronic kidney failure at all stages, both IPD and OPD, up to 10 million Baht per year(3).
We’re covered. How about you?
More details, click.
✅ Call Tel. 02-015-5447 during 09.00 - 17.00 hrs.
✅ Contact a life insurance agent
(1) In case of choosing 5 MB plan which is a benefit per any treatment
(2) For male insured aged 25 years who chooses coverage Plan 5 MB with annual premium payment
(3) In case of choosing 5 MB coverage for cancer and chronic kidney failure
● D Health Plus Rider must be purchased to be attached to the policy which is still effective.
● Coverage period of the rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
● Care Plus shall cover medical expense benefits for cancer and/or chronic kidney failure treatments specified by the Company.
● Premium is eligible for tax deduction. Conditions are as specified by the Revenue Department.
● Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
● Conditions are according to the medical standard and necessity.
● Please study the details of coverage, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.
Resources: Data retrieved on 29/08/2023.
🔖 hellokhunmor, data as of 7/12/2023
🔖 hdmal
🔖 Rama Channel, data as of 26/11/2022
🔖 Chulalongkornhospital, data as of 15/07/2021