Women 30+ with Abdominal Obesity at Risk for Cancer
For women entering their 30s, there are many concerns, especially regarding health, which requires special attention. However, a greater worry is that women with abdominal obesity are at an increased risk of developing cancer. Excess weight or obesity leads to an abnormal accumulation of fat in the body, ultimately harming health. According to the Sixth Thai National Health Checkup Survey (2019-2020), women in Bangkok had the highest prevalence of abdominal obesity at 65.3%, with the nationwide trend also increasing. Let’s learn about the risk from Muang Thai Life Assurance.
Obesity can stem from various factors.
While everyone knows that obesity or being overweight often results from unhealthy eating habits, it’s important to understand that obesity can arise from multiple causes: endocrine Disorders e.g. pituitary or thyroid gland issues, psychological and emotional factors, genetics, underlying health conditions e.g. diabetes and high blood pressure, certain drugs that can contribute to weight gain, age (metabolism slows down as one gets older), daily lifestyle, consuming high-calorie foods e.g. meats, fats, carbohydrates and sweets, eating irregularly, snacking frequently, being sedentary and lack of exercise. These factors can lead to excessive weight gain, eventually resulting in obesity.
🔖 ThaiHealth (data as of 03/03/2022)
What weight is considered overweight?
How do we know if our weight is above the healthy range? This can be determined using the Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared (kg/m2). For example, if you weigh 65 kg and your height is 1.50 meters, your BMI would be 28.8. Additionally, waist circumference can be measured using a tape measure around the navel. Divide the measurement in centimeters by 2 to get the maximum healthy waist size. For instance, if your height is 160 cm, your waist should not exceed 80 cm (160 cm / 2 = 80 cm). Generally, a healthy BMI ranges from 18.5 to 22.9 kg/m². A BMI between 25 and 29.9 indicates overweight, while a BMI of 30 or higher signifies obesity.
Why women with abdominal obesity are at risk for cancer
Women approaching menopause are at higher risk for ovarian cancer, breast cancer, and endometrial cancer, especially those aged 30-45 with hormonal imbalances and excess weight or obesity. Obesity often results in high cholesterol levels, as overweight individuals tend to consume high-fat diets, leading to the accumulation of bad fats and consequently high cholesterol. This increases the risk of cancer and raises insulin levels in the body, which can stimulate the growth of cancer cells. As women enter menopause, estrogen, the primary female hormone produced by the ovaries, decreases. However, in obese women, estrogen is still produced by fat tissue cells. This extra estrogen source in overweight women increases the risk of estrogen-sensitive cancers. Postmenopausal women who are overweight or obese have a 1.5 times higher risk of breast cancer and a 2-4 times higher risk of endometrial cancer compared to women of normal weight.
🔖 mgr online (data as of 27/02/2022)
🔖 Paolo Hospital
Maintaining health to avoid obesity and serious diseases
To keep yourself free from obesity and serious illnesses, the first step is to change your eating habits. Avoid unhealthy, high-fat foods and ensure a balanced diet with all five food groups. Consume proteins from sources like fish, lean meats, beans, and eggs. Avoid fried and fatty foods, and opt for low-sugar carbohydrates such as brown rice, whole grains, and cereals. Reduce the intake of high-sugar foods like white bread and sweet fruits. Engage in regular exercise, aiming for more than 150 minutes per week. Reduce stress by finding relaxing activities, such as listening to music, gardening, or traveling to see new things. Ensure you get enough sleep, at least 8 hours per day, and try to go to bed before 10 PM. Following these guidelines can help you stay away from obesity and serious diseases.
Recognizing the risks of illness, regardless of age or gender, you should start taking care of your health, including getting regular health check-ups every year. Alternatively, you can prepare yourself in advance to boost confidence by purchasing health insurance while still in good health. Having health coverage not only increases peace of mind but also provides assurance if illness strikes.
Choose ultimate health coverage “Elite Health Plus” from Muang Thai Life Assurance with lump sum benefit of 20 – 100 million Baht per year + hospitalization anywhere in Thailand or around the world(1) with coverage of emerging diseases, epidemic, critical illnesses, common diseases and accidents. Entry age is up to 90 years old with long-term coverage for IPD and OPD(2) until attaining the age of 99, and premium is less than 83 Baht(3) per day.
✔ Lump sum benefit for standard single room as charged or premium single room of up to 10,000 Baht – 25,000 Baht per day
✔ Benefit for ICU room as charged up to 365 days
✔ Coverage for cancer treatment including chemotherapy and targeted therapy, MRI and kidney dialysis without hospitalization
✔ Hospitalization in any hospital
✔ Able to purchase additional coverage including maternity coverage or annual health checkup, dental care, vaccination and eye care as you wish.
Buy now and get promotion of 0% for premium installment up to 6 months or cash back of up to 13% from participating credit cards.
For more information:
☑️ Tel. 1766, available 24/7.
☑️ Contact life insurance agent or Kasikornbank or Land and Houses Bank branches.
(1) In case of choosing worldwide coverage
(2) In case of choosing coverage plans of 40, 75 or 100 million Baht
(3) For an insured aged 35 years old with a coverage plan of 20 million Baht per year for Thailand coverage area in annual premium payment mode
- Elite Health Plus Rider must be purchased to be attached to the policy which is still effective.
- Coverage period of this rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
- Premium is eligible for personal income tax deduction. This is subject to the Revenue Department.
- Coverage conditions are as specified in the insurance policy.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Standard single room fee means fee of standard single room of hospitals in Thailand.
- Conditions are subject to Guidelines for clinical practice, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of healthcare-associated infection in response to patients with COVID-19 infection according to the Notification dated 2 November 2021, and guidelines for healthcare workers to provide suggestions and services for COVID-19 patients under home isolation (revised version) dated 4 January 2022, or the latest Notification.
- Conditions are according to the medical standard and necessity.
- Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL and the banks.
- Please study details of coverage, conditions, and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.