Why do I still feel lonely even I am already in a relationship?
This is normal to feel lonely already in a relationship because loneliness can happen at any time. Lonely people in a relationship will feel a lot worse than those who are single.
Today, Muang Thai Life will help analyze the reasons why and how to solve it. Let’s find out!
Make sure how you feel.
First, we have to find out the reason if there is something unclear in this relationship or it is because we've been in love for too long and have reached a point of saturation? Let's find out why to manage your own feelings.
Expecting too much
It may be a matter of expecting your lover to fulfil something in yourself. When they can't do it. it might make you
You get used to the relationship and take it for granted.
Doing something repeatedly every day will become a habit. Relationships are the same. Couples who have loved each other for a long time may degrade the relationship to being friends in the end because of not feeling that the relationship is special; it makes us forget to take care of each other's feelings and you may feel hurt and lonely.
Lifestyles of each other don't match.
What you like, they don’t like it. What they like, we don't like it. So, there are not many you did together.
Some parts of your life are missing.
Some people, when they have a partner, focus on their partner first so much that they forget other aspects of life, such as family, friends or even their own dreams. They may feel lonely and feel something is still missing.
Not trusting each other enough
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Excessive addiction to social media
Online, most people will only show good sides that are enviable, causing people who are addicted to social media to become overthinkers. For example, you are simply celebrating the Valentine's Day at home, but when scrolling down social media and seeing other couples giving gifts to each other would make you feel lonely and envy.
Genetic DNA
มีงานวิจัยเปิดเผยว่า ความรู้สึกเหงาอาจเป็นลักษณะทางพันธุกรรม ทำให้คนบางคนรู้สึกเหงามากกว่าคนอื่น และถึงแม้จะมีแฟนก็ไม่อาจช่วยให้ความรู้สึกเหงาทางพันธุกรรมนี้หายไปได้
How to cure loneliness
Have you ever listened to a heartbroken song and felt upset even though you and your lover are still in love with each other? You feel that way because you might be moved by sad songs, so let’s try the following ways to cure the loneliness.
You can enjoy shopping alone by getting items you want and eating your favorite foods.
If you're feeling lonely, turn to exercise to increase blood flow to the brain, especially in the parts that play a role in regulating motivation, emotions, and responses to stress.
Social media detox
Sometimes, seeing friends on vacation can stimulate our loneliness. Therefore, in order not to make yourself depressed by seeing other people's happy lives, you can do social media detox. It might be better to check in the social media once in a while.
Do leisure activities.
Be focused on what you are doing to forget about loneliness, such as watering plants, playing with pets, cleaning the house or listening to fun music.
It can be seen that loneliness can be caused by many reasons. When it happens, it should be dealt with quickly, especially for people who have a partner but still feel lonely; they need to open their mind and talk to each other. If you let this happen for too long, the feelings will eventually lead to a breakup. In addition to being upset, it may have negative effects on our health as well because when we are highly stressful, it can affect our body, causing the immune level to decrease.
Whether you are single or have a partner, taking care of your mental and physical health is important. You should exercise regularly and find free time activities to do. Have a health checkup once a year, and enhance your confidence with lump-sum health insurance, covering critical illnesses, common diseases, and accidents. Choose a coverage plan as needed from 200,000 Baht to 100,000,000 Baht. The entry age is up to 90 years with long-term health coverage until the age of 99 years* and tax deduction up to 25,000 Baht per year.
Example of premiums to be paid: Female insured aged 35 years, premiums less than 59 Baht per day
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More information
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- Health riders must be purchased to be attached to the policy which is still effective.
- Coverage period of the rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
- Premium is eligible for tax deduction. Conditions are as specified by the Revenue Department.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Conditions are in accordance with medical necessity and medical standard.
- Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL and the banks.
- Please study the details of coverage, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.
Sources: data retrieved on 31/01/2023
🔖 brandthink (data as of 28/01/2022)