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9 Signs of Unexpected Critical Illnesses

9 Signs of Unexpected Critical Illnesses

Nobody welcomes critical illnesses. They might occur unexpectedly, but some of them might slightly show abnormal signs that we never expect or realize. Thus, we have to regularly observe and take care of our health because if you have illnesses, you might have to be admitted in a hospital. Let’s check signs of unexpected critical illnesses.


Chronic Itching – Potential Cause of Critical Illnesses


Chronic Itching – Potential Cause of Critical Illnesses

There are many types and causes of itching; however, chronic itching has to be taken into account since it might be a sign of liver and kidney related diseases. Moreover, it might be onset of diseases related to blood system, anemia, diabetes, endocrine disorders or cancers. Thus, if you have chronic itching longer than 1 week or many months which impacts daily routine, work and rest, you should consult dermatologist for diagnosis and treatment as to prevent critical illnesses that might occur in the future.

Chest Pain – Early Stage of Heart Disease

Chest Pain – Early Stage of Heart Disease

Chest pain is an early sign of cardiovascular diseases. The pain might be conditions of acute heart disease such as coronary heart disease in that heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen leading to pain, tightness or squeezing in chest that might spread to arms, shoulders, neck, jaw or back which is emergency situation that treatment is required quickly. Moreover, chest pain is a sign of many diseases such as GERD, pulmonary embolism, pancreatitis, asthma, rib injury or contusion or broken bones, etc.

Insomnia – Beginning of Critical Illnesses

Insomnia – Beginning of Critical Illnesses


Insomnia occurs to everyone regardless of genders and age. It has risk of ulcerative colitis that is a cause of colon cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other disease. Insomnia is preliminary condition due to lack of sleep from lifestyle, work, late night studying, eating, partying. Once such behaviors continue for a long time, there will be many issues such as waking up late, strong body odor, stress, moodiness and chronic insomnia because body and health are familiar with late night sleep. Consequently, you will have health issues that should be taken into account because once you have one disease, your body will suffer and you will lose money for treatment and the disease will impact work or education.

Fatigue – What’s Wrong with Your Body?

Fatigue – What’s Wrong with Your Body?

If you have abnormal fatigue, you should compare with your same-age friends doing the same activities such as walking, lifting things, exercising or 100-meter walking that you never have fatigue before. If the symptom occurs, you might have health sign of having risky conditions of heart disease, lung disease, anemia, hyperthyroidism and nervous system disease. You should consult physicians for diagnosis, especially if fatigue just recently occurs.

Chronic Cough – Not Disease, But Health Issue

Chronic Cough – Not Disease, But Health Issue


What is chronic cough? It is cough that lasts at least 8 weeks in adults and 4 weeks in children. It might be a sign of health issues related to heart, lung or abdomen. Major causes of chronic cough are mucus or phlegm in throat, asthma, GERD, laryngopharyngeal reflux, bronchitis, infection and smoking. If the condition disturbs your life, work, study or sleep, you should consult physicians for diagnosis and treatment. Don’t ignore it.

Loss of Appetite or Weight Loss – Beginning of Critical Illnesses

Loss of Appetite or Weight Loss – Beginning of Critical Illnesses

Actually, loss of appetite and exhaustion might be due to mental issue and stress from many factors such as love life, work, finance or environment. But if you look deep down once you start having loss of appetite, less interest in favorite foods and weight loss, you might have a sign of critical illnesses. Diseases that are a cause of loss of appetite are gastric cancer, colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver failure, kidney failure, hepatitis, HIV infection, dengue fever, etc. You should not ignore the sign, if you don’t want such diseases spread causing treatment difficulty.

Changing Breast – Risk of Breast Cancer, Men Are Also at Risk

Changing Breast – Risk of Breast Cancer, Men Are Also at Risk

For women, if your breasts change abnormally such as new tumor, swollen breasts, changing shape and painfulness, you should consult physicians for diagnosis and treatment before spreading because this is a beginning of breast cancer, a feared disease. Not only women, men have a chance of having breast cancer as well; however, it is not mostly found in men, but it mostly occurs in older people. Therefore, we should take care of health, have regular exercise and checkup for good health and well-being.

Blood in Stool – Might be More Severe than Hemorrhoids

Blood in Stool – Might be More Severe than Hemorrhoids

It's not good to ignore blood in stool. It is a danger sign knocking at your front door. The condition might indicate injury in colon, rectum and anus. It means that you are at risk of having hemorrhoids, colitis, mesenteric ischemia, colon cancer; diseases that no one wants to have. Thus, you should consult physicians if you have the condition.

Swollen Feet – Sign of Heart Disease

Swollen Feet – Sign of Heart Disease

Swollen feet condition is a sign of many diseases such as foot or ankle injury, lymphedema, thrombosis, infection and venous insufficiency. It might not sound dangerous, but you should observe the condition because it might be a beginning of heart disease, liver disease or kidney disease. The swollen condition is due to body that cannot remove water and salt. Once having too much water, gravity will naturally pull excessive water down to feet causing swollen ankles and feet.

Critical illnesses really occur regardless of genders, age, genetic contribution, nationalities, environment and lifestyles. Health insurance will ensure and comfort us. D Health Plus insurance provides coverage for hospitalization or treatment in ICU with lump sum benefit. It has less conditions, but high coverage for unlimited claims.

ที่มา : pobpad, honestdocs, Thairath, Sanook Health

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