Simple Steps of Tax E-Filing 2023 for Salary Earners
It's the time for salary earners to file tax. Don’t forget to file tax whether your income reach the minimum tax bracket. You can simply file tax via online channel which you don’t have to submit documents like in the past. Only few steps that you have to do.
Today, Muang Thai Life Assurance presents you the summary of tax e-filing. This is the easy way for new taxpayers and existing taxpayers who always forget to file. Tax e-filing period is from today – 10 April 2023. File now!
What are documents for tax filing?
Before tax filing, we have to prepare all documents as to maintain tax deduction benefits. Check the documents below.
1. Income documents
- Employee Withholding Tax Certificate (50 Tawi)
2. Tax deduction document comprising 4 groups
- Personal and family expenses such as allowance for parental and child care
- Savings and investment such as
- Annuity life insurance
- Health insurance of taxpayer and parents
- Provident Fund
- Donation such as donation receipt
- Economic support such as housing loan documents, Shop Dee Mee Kuen
Only few clicks to file tax online
It’s really simple by just entering the website of Revenue Department to file tax online. Please follow these convenient steps.
1. Prepare ID card and documents such as Employee Withholding Tax Certificate (50 Tawi), P.N.D. 91, and other income documents.
2. Go to and click E-Filing or go to If you never register, you have to register by entering details based on ID card, mobile phone no. and setting password. If you are already a member, please sign in by entering ID card no. in the box of Tax Identification Number (TIN) or username, and password. Then, click Sign In. If you forget password, please click Forget Password.
3. Verify identity via OTP which will be sent to registered mobile phone no.; if you change phone no, please enter new mobile phone no and click Request OTP. Then, enter OTP in the box and click Confirm.
4. For office employees, please click E-Filing personal income tax P.N.D. 90/91, and fill in all information.
5 Steps of Tax E-Filing
After signing the system and clicking P.N.D. 90/91, please enter information based on the following 5 steps.
1. Enter information of taxpayer
Please enter all personal information such as Tax Identification Number (TIN) (ID card no.), name – surname, date of birth, contact address (as shown in ID card), personal shop/business (if any), current status (single, widow and married). Then click Next.
2. Enter income
The system will show different sources of income such as salary, freelance/worker/self-employment, asset from business, investment and inheritance. For office employees, please select salary and enter all information such as total income, withholding tax, Tax Identification Number (TIN) of employer, then click Save. If you have other income sources, don’t forget to enter all information. And you should calculate all income before signing in the system for easier filing.
3. Enter tax deduction amount
4. Check all information
5. Click confirm
These steps are very simple through only few clicks. Please prepare all information for e-filing from today – 10 April 2023.
If you want tax deduction benefit for next year tax filing, we recommend lump sum health insurance from Muang Thai Life Assurance. It covers critical illnesses, common diseases and accident. You can choose coverage as you wish from 200,000 Baht to 100,000,000 Baht. Entry age is up to 90 years old, while health coverage period is up to attaining the age of 99*. Maximum tax deduction benefit is 25,000 Baht per year.
For example, if 35-year-old healthy female chooses D Health Plus insurance with coverage plan of 5 million Baht which is limit for each medical treatment, and annual premium payment mode, premium is not over 65 Baht per day.
For more information
☑️ Tel. 1766
☑️ Contact life insurance agent or any branches of Kasikornbank and LH Bank
Choose lump sum health insurance, Choose Muang Thai Life Assurance
Any occupations, any lifestyles
Muang Thai Life Assurance understands all your needs.
* Only Elite Health Plus or D Health Plus riders
The health rider must be attached to in force insurance policy.
- Coverage period of the rider must not exceed coverage period of life insurance policy that such rider is attached to.
- Premium is eligible for personal income tax deduction according to the Revenue Department.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Conditions are subject to medical standard and necessity.
- Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL and the bank.
- Please study details of coverage, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to apply for insurance.
Source: Searched on 06/02/2023
🔖 moneybuffalo (Data as of 02/01/2023)