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Multiple CI Rider

Maximum 400%(1) coverage for critical illnesses

7 years  - 65 years old

7 years - 65 years old

Coverage until 80 years old

Coverage until 80 years old

Tax Deductible

Tax Deductible

Office Hours Mon - Fri 8.30am - 8.00pm

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Because critical illnesses are more than you can think of, stay equipped with the Multiple CI Rider which covers all 4 types of 35 critical illnesses, including coverage for heart transplant, major organ transplant, bone marrow transplantation, etc. This can alleviate worries about medical expenses.If a serious disease is detected, one group receives a lump sum. 100%(1) and offer you maximum 400% coverage(2) when diagnosed with a critical illnesses of any group. You may stop paying premium any time yet receive continuous coverage for the remaining critical illness group for 10 years more. Receive lump sum benefit to manage it your way. 

Did you know?

Thai people suffer from cancer the highest number 1 in the group of serious diseases.
Males had the highest rates of prostate cancer and breast cancer belongs to female.

- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Conditions and exclusions are as stated in the insurance policy.
- Premium of this rider is partially entitled to personal income tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax No. 383

Warning: Buyer should have an understanding in the details of coverage and conditions before making a decision to purchase insurance every time.

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