How to Pay Your Insurance Premiums Safely Ensure that your payments are promptly received by the Company and that your coverage continues seamlessly.

1. Choose a Convenient, Secure Payment Method.
Muang Thai Life Assurance customers can pay premiums through various convenient and secure channels, such as:

  • Automatic Renewal Payment via savings/current account or credit card.
    To sign up for the service, Click.
  • MTL Click Application
    To view payment steps via MTL Click Application, Click.
    To download MTL Click Application, Click.
  • Mobile Banking
    000 Icon Bank
  • Muang Thai Life Assurance Service Centers nationwide. Find a branch, Click.
    To view more premium payment channels, Click.

Always ensure that payments are made directly to Muang Thai Life Assurance Company Limited (Public). 
The Company has no policy to allow transferring funds to an agent or broker's account.

2. Choose a Convenient, Secure Payment Method.

  • Obtain a temporary receipt, an official receipt, or other proof of payment each time you pay your premium.
  • For payments through MTL Click Application or mobile banking, proof of payment is provided instantly.

3. Check Your Policy After Payment.
After making a payment, you can review your policy details or policy information, such as policy benefits, contract maturity date, the next premium payment date, and more. This helps with financial planning.