(1) For coverage plan 6
(2) Just present Easy PA Credit Card for identity verification to receive medical treatment due to accident at network hospitals without advance payment according the medical expense limit you selected. The insured is required to present Easy PA Credit Card together with an identification card or a card issued by government (with photo) every time. In case the insured is not convenient to receive medical treatment at a network hospital, the insured can receive treatment at another hospital by making advance payment. Then, the insured can reimburse from the Company by submitting a medical certificate and an original receipt.
(3) Coverage area: Coverage 24/7 worldwide for 1 year
(4) Benefits in case of dismemberment and others including loss of eyesight or hearing or speech shall be in accordance with the percentage stated in the policy.
(5) In case of medical necessity that the insured must be admitted in the intensive care unit (ICU), the Company will pay twice the income compensation during hospitalization. However, it must not exceed 7 days and the total income compensation during the hospitalization must not exceed 365 days per injury.
• This premium is basic information which is subject to change based on different factors such as increasing age, individual occupation class, the Company's claim experience, etc. The premium must be approved by the registrar. Conditions are specified in the insurance policy.
• Premium is partially eligible for tax deduction according to the Revenue Department.
• Underwriting is subject to the Company's rules.
Q: Is health checkup required?
A: No, it is not. However, the applicants are required to declare their actual health information to the Company. Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
Q: Can I purchase other riders after having this personal accident insurance?
A: No, you cannot purchase other riders to attach to the insurance policy.
Q: Is this personal accident insurance eligible for tax deduction?
A: Yes, it is partially eligible for tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department on Income Tax No. 383.
Q: What plan of personal accident insurance should I buy? Or where should I buy?
A: There are many accident insurance products; PA Pay Max from Muang Thai Life Assurance is one of them that provides compensation during inpatient hospitalization due to accident, and 2 times benefit in case of death from public accidents such as accidents that occur in skytrains, subways, elevators, shopping malls, movie theaters, etc.
Q: Who is PA Pay Max suitable for?
A: Breadwinners which this insurance can be security for loved ones; or those without medical expense coverage, and who still need income compensation benefits in case of hospitalization due to accidents, to ensure they do not lose income if they have to take time off work. It is also ideal for permanent employees who want additional coverage beyond their existing benefits.
Q: Does PA Pay Max cover accidents from being motorcycle rider or passenger?
A: The insured shall receive the coverage in case of death, loss of organs, eyesight, hearing, speech and permanent disability due to riding or being a passenger on a motorcycle as well as medical expenses as charged which must not exceed the sum insured of medical expense per accident that the insured has purchased. For benefit of compensation during inpatient hospitalization due to accident, it shall not be provided for accidents from being motorcycle rider or passenger.
Q: Do occupational classes affect underwriting of PA Pay Max?
A: Occupational classes have an impact on underwriting of PA Pay Max. The Company shall provide coverage only for those in occupational classes 1, 2 and 3 only. Details are as follows.
- Occupational Class 1 includes business owners, those working in services or management, office workers, or salespersons in businesses or trades, most of which are stationed in offices as well as work of craftsmanship with no involvement in machinery; the nature of work contains low accident risks.
- Occupational Class 2 includes business owners, those working in services or management, office workers in businesses or trades requiring occasional offsite work, or those working in the industrial field, most of which require expertise in whole or in part and sometimes involve in the use of machinery or require the workers to work outdoor almost all the time; the nature of work contains moderate accident risks.
- Occupationl Class 3 includes those working in mechanics or production process or services, most of which requires heavy machinery, or those who are logistics labors and workers requiring regular travel or offsite work; the nature of work contains high accident risks.
In this regard, the Company will not consider providing insurance for individuals engaged in high-risk occupations, such as high-rise window cleaners, professional boxers, wrestlers, motorcycle taxi drivers, ten-wheeler truck drivers, firefighters, stunt performers, substitute actors (stand-ins), jockeys, horse trainers, horse grooms, animal trainers, diver, forest workers (in the forest), police, and military personnel (in field service), etc.
Exclusions of PA Pay Max from a total of 20 clauses
For example, it shall not cover any loss or damages due to or a result of either of the following causes:
1. Acts of the insured while under the influence of alcohol, narcotic drugs or narcotic substances that impairs the insured’s mental faculty. The term “under the influence of alcohol” is in case of having blood alcohol concentration (BAC) test result of 150 mg/dL or over.
2. Suicide, suicide attempt or self-inflicted injury
3. Back pain as a result of Disc herniation, Spondylolisthesis, Degenerative disc disease, Spondylosis and defect, or Spondylolysis unless there is fracture or dislocation of the spine caused by accident
4. War, invasion, act of foreign enemies, or warlike actions whether declared or undeclared, or civil war, insurrection, rebellion, riot, strike, civil commotion, revolution, coup d’etat, proclamation of martial law or any incident causing the proclamation or maintenance of martial law
5. Terrorism, etc.
Buyers should have an understanding in the details of coverage and conditions before making a decision to purchase insurance every time.