Special price
July 15 ,2024 - Jan 31 ,2025Redemption Channel
Special Privileges for
Senera Senior Wellness
Special privilege for Muang Thai Smile Club members and Muang Thai Health Care
Special price THB 65,000 /2 months for elderly care package (Average THB 32,500 per month from normal price THB 44,000 /month) Serving 3 meals according to nutritional principles, room cleaning and bedding washed 2 times /week, laundry service 30 pieces /month (only shirts and pants), Occupational therapy, services at the Zenera Lounge, fitness and swimming pool services, project facilities, 24-hour care by personnel who have passed the course in caring for the elderly
Download MTL Click Application click here
Redemption Location
Sinera Senior Wellness Project, Khubon Rd., Bang Chan
02 161 4578
Soi Wat Lat Pla Duk, Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi
02 161 4578
1.This cannot be used with other promotions.
2.The rewards cannot be converted into cash.
3.The Company reserves the right to chang the conditions without priornotice.
4.Fore more information, please call Tel. 1766, Muang Thai Life Assurance, 24/7.
5.Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance.
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