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Aircon not Cool, what to do? Summary of Solutions by Yourself Easy, not Relying on a Technician

Aircon not Cool, what to do? Summary of Solutions by Yourself Easy, not Relying on a Technician

May 02, 2024

5 minute

What to do when entering summer and the air conditioner is not cool? Certainly sweating for sure. Especially in this hot season, many people probably have experienced when the air conditioner is not cool, turned on but only wind, compressor not working, or turned on and the air conditioner is not cool, only wind, compressor working, various problems causing headaches. Importantly, still have to queue for a long time for an air conditioning technician. Say goodbye to the nightmare of this hot season if you can solve the problem of air conditioner not cooling by yourself easily without relying on a technician, such as what to check, how to adjust the air conditioner level to be just right without consuming too much electricity in this summer where the electricity bill is extremely high, etc. We have easy methods to share, follow along.

Air not cool, what causes?

Air not cool, what causes?

Enjoying the cool air conditioner, suddenly why does the temperature rise? Upon checking, it is found that the air conditioner only blows wind, but the compressor works, or sometimes the air conditioner is not cool, only wind, compressor not working. What are the causes of these symptoms? Let's see.

1. Air not cool because not cleaning the air conditioner

The first cause to ask yourself is how long has it been since you cleaned the air conditioner. Not cleaning the air conditioner for a long time is one of the causes that make the air conditioner not cool, only wind comes out because dust accumulates in the air filter of the air conditioner and air compressor, making it unable to dissipate heat. Importantly, it is also a source of dirt, dust, and germs that may negatively impact health and the respiratory system. Normally, we should clean the air conditioner every 4-6 months. The advantage is the air conditioner becomes cool and also saves electricity.

2. Air not cool because the air conditioner filter is dirty

Another cause of the air conditioner not cooling, only wind, sometimes the compressor works, sometimes it doesn't. You should assume that the air filter is dirty. Dust may have accumulated or clogged in various pipes, making the air conditioner not release air as well as it should.

3. Choosing BTU of the air conditioner not suitable for the room size

If choosing BTU of the air conditioner not suitable for the room size, it is another important cause of the air conditioner not cooling. For example, a large room but using a small BTU air conditioner will make the air conditioner not cool, only wind, and work very hard. Therefore, choosing a suitable BTU air conditioner size for the room will help the air conditioner cool and save electricity.

4. Too many people in the room make the air conditioner not cool

Because the body temperature of humans is higher than the room temperature, when there are too many people in the room, it will increase the temperature, making the air conditioner work harder and take longer to lower the room temperature. For the air conditioner to cool the whole room, it takes time.

5. Air conditioner not cool from refrigerant

When the air conditioner is broken, we often hear the technician say that the refrigerant is out or leaking. The refrigerant will circulate inside the air conditioner, creating coolness. If there is no refrigerant, the air conditioner will not work, making it not cool. The method to check if the refrigerant has a problem is as follows:

  • Turn on the air conditioner and the air coming out is not cool or warm
  • Check various parts of the air conditioner for ice build-up
  • Turn on the air conditioner, check the external compressor, if the air coming out is not hot or warm, it indicates a refrigerant problem or leak
  • There is an unusual noise from the hot coil, similar to the sound of air leaking. If there are these sounds, it is a sign of a refrigerant leak.

6. The air conditioner is not cool because the remote control settings are incorrect. 

Sometimes, if the air conditioner is not cool and everything else seems normal, try picking up the remote control to check if you've accidentally pressed the wrong mode, such as switching from cool mode to fan mode.

7. The air conditioner compressor is not working.

If you turn on the air conditioner and the compressor is silent, not working, assume that there’s a serious issue because the compressor is a crucial component of the air conditioner. If it’s broken, the unit will shut down and stop functioning, which is a significant cause of the air conditioner not cooling. I recommend you call an air conditioner technician right away.

8. The doors and windows are not fully closed.

If you've checked everything mentioned and still can't find the cause of the air conditioner not cooling, you should check the windows and doors of the room to see if they are fully closed. Sometimes, the doors and windows may have deteriorated. If you find that they have started to deteriorate, you should quickly repair them to restore them to good condition. If the doors and windows are not fully closed, not only will the air conditioner not cool, but the electricity bill will also soar.

Solutions when the air conditioner is not cool

Solutions when the air conditioner is not cool

The weather is extremely hot, and going outside almost leads to heatstroke. When you come back to your room, you're ready to turn on the air conditioner to cool off, but you end up disappointed because the air conditioner isn't cooling, and only warm air is blowing out, making you feel even hotter. You might want to call an air conditioner technician right away, but don't be too hasty. After finding the cause of the air conditioner not cooling, try some simple solutions before spending money to hire a technician. Let's see what methods are available.

1. Adjust the air conditioner remote to the correct mode. 

Sometimes, the functions of the air conditioner remote can be confusing. Adjusting it back and forth might cause the cooling to suddenly disappear. Let's see how each mode works and which mode should be set to keep the air conditioner cool.

  • Auto mode is an automatic mode because the air conditioner has a sensor that determines the settings.
  • Cool mode is suitable for hot and humid days. Just turn on this mode, and you'll be assured of a cool, refreshing environment.
  • Dry mode is similar to cool mode but controls the humidity in the room, making it ideal for use during the rainy season as it effectively manages humidity.
  • Fan mode helps circulate air from outside the room into the room. If you ever feel that the room smells musty, you can use this mode to help ventilate and circulate the air.

2. Clean the air filter. 

This step can easily be done by yourself without the need to hire an air conditioner technician, saving you money. The first step is to open the air conditioner's front panel, then remove the filter to clean it. Just scrub or spray it lightly with water, and the accumulated dirt will come off. Once cleaned, let it air dry before putting it back in place. Don't forget to close the air conditioner's front panel tightly. It's essential to clean the air filter at least every two weeks.

3. Check the air conditioner compressor. 

Checking the air conditioner compressor every 4-6 months is crucial for maintaining a consistently cool environment. If you turn on the air conditioner and the compressor is completely silent, or if the air conditioner isn't cooling and only blowing air, try turning it off and then on again. If the issue persists, the last option is to call an air conditioner technician immediately. Attempting to repair the air conditioner yourself might cause further damage and could be dangerous.

4. Clean the air conditioner when it's due to extend its lifespan.

Cleaning the air conditioner when it's due not only helps maintain consistent cooling but also extends the air conditioner's lifespan. It also reduces the risk of respiratory allergies that could arise from dust and dirt accumulated in the air conditioner. It is recommended to clean the air conditioner every 6 months, or if you notice that the air conditioner isn't cooling and has thick dust buildup, you can call a technician to clean it.

Solutions when the air conditioner is not cool

Regular air conditioner maintenance can help reduce the problem of the air conditioner not cooling. However, if it's beyond your capability, I recommend calling a skilled air conditioner technician to fix it for your safety and the safety of your property. In this hot weather, don't forget to take care of your health and consider boosting your confidence with health insurance from Muang Thai Life Assurance. #เพราะชีวิตทุกวัยมันเจ็บป่วย Enjoy life at all ages no matter it’s a common or critical illness. No worries about medical expenses with lump sum health insurance from 200K – 100 million Baht.

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☑️ Contact life insurance agents.

(1) In case of choosing Plan 40 MB, 75 MB or 100 MB

(2) For 50-year-old insured choosing Plan 20 MB with coverage area in Thailand in annual premium payment mode.
For more information:

(3) In case of choosing Plan 5 MB which is a benefit per any treatment

(4) For female 34-year-old insured choosing Plan 5 MB with deductibles of 30,000 Baht per any hospitalization (topping up existing coverage) in annual premium payment mode.

(5) For Plan 3 which is a benefit per any inpatient hospitalization    

(6) For female 34-year-old insured choosing Plan 3 in annual premium payment mode.

- Coverage conditions are as specified in the insurance policy.
- Health riders must be attached to an effective policy.
- Coverage period of the rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy that this rider is attached to.
- Premium is eligible for tax deduction. Conditions are as specified by the Revenue Department.
- Conditions are as specified by Muang Thai Life Assurance PCL.
- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Please study details of coverage, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.

Sources: data retrieved on 19/03/2024

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