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D Care CI Rider

Protection as You Wish

30 days – <br>70 years old

30 days –
70 years old

coverage until 81 year old

coverage until 81 year old

Tax deductible

Tax deductible

Office Hours Mon - Fri 8.30am - 8.00pm

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How good would it be if you can customize your own CI coverage and medical expenses from the early stage to the late stage? With D Care CI Rider, you can select the groups of illnesses, be it the cancer group, cardiovascular group, major organ transplant group, nervous and muscular systems group, other critical illnesses group or Top Hits group. Rest assured even in time of sickness.

- Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
- Premium of this rider is eligible for personal income tax deduction according to the Notification of the Director-General of the Revenue Department.
- D Care CI Rider must be attached to the policies in force.  
- Conditions and exclusions are as stated in the insurance policy.

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