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ประกันสุขภาพเหมาจ่าย โครงการเหมาจ่าย เอ็กซ์ตร้า (Maochai Extra)

Mao Chai Extra Campaign

Inclusive care regardless of welfare

Entry Age<br/>11-90 years old

Entry Age
11-90 years old

Coverage until <br>99 years old

Coverage until
99 years old

Tax Deductible

Tax Deductible

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Office Hours Mon - Fri 8.30am - 8.00pm

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Why do you have to be worried about medical expenses even in time of sickness? Regardless of welfare, stay happy with health coverage from Mao Chai Extra Campaign from Muang Thai Life Assurance that could help ease the burden of medical expenses of up to 500,000 Baht*. It also covers epidemics, COVID-19 , effects after COVID-19 vaccination, general diseases or critical illnesses and room fee of 4,000 Baht per day*. Even without welfare, you can still receive inclusive coverage. Let's make the matter easy for you.

* In case of choosing coverage plan 3

  • Mao Chai Extra Campaign is a marketing name of Extra Care Rider (N).
  • Extra Care Rider (N) must be attached to a policy which is still in force only.
  • The coverage of this rider must not exceed the coverage period of the life insurance policy to which this rider is attached.
  • Room, board, and service fees for up to 180 days per any hospitalization
  • ICU room fee for up to 15 days per any hospitalization
  • Home medication expenses based on medical necessity for up to 7 days, but not exceeding 1,000 Baht per any hospitalization
  • Waiting period for illnesses due to general disease is 30 days.
  • Underwriting is subject to the Company’s rules.
  • Extra coverage for effects after COVID-19 vaccination is subject to the conditions. The coverage is effective from 11 May – 31 December 2021.
  • Premium is eligible for tax deduction. Conditions are as specified by the Revenue Department.
  • Please study coverage details, conditions and exclusions before making a decision to purchase insurance.